Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Gospel of John

I am currently taking a class about the Gospel of John and it is absolutely fascinating.  There is so much I would like to say about because it is incredible but there is a lot so I wont.

One central theme to the gospel is the centrality of christian community when it comes to all aspects of the faith.  John tells us that the community of believers is the only way to practice any and all aspects of Christianity.  It is not a lone ranger faith it is a faith and a family and you cannot separate the two, i think that is a good message for may churches today that do have community but don't really focus on it.  From reading John you can see that the relationship between believers is absolutely central to faith in Jesus.  Love one another as I have loved you, radical and incredible and I hate the word radical (unless a ninja turtle says it.)


1 comment:

Nanny #2 said...

If yo like John so much why don't you marry it? Snap!