Monday, November 23, 2009

Jesus Christ; Stumbling Block or Cornerstone

As a part of my internship at Crossview Erin and I have to write cirriculum for the Jr and Sr high small groups to go through during this year. The next section we are in the process of writing is called "Foundations" we are following an overall construction theme called "Build It."

Chris, my boss, told us that the main question we need to be asking and addressing in this section is whether or not Jesus is a foundation or a stumbling block in our Christian lives. Do we find ourselves seeking to live as disciples and changing our lives as such or are we navigating our own way through life bumping into Jesus when he conflicts with our plans or views. Do we avoid sin and issues like that or do we seek to be transformed.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about this topic is politics. When I was in highschool myself I, although I couldn't yet vote, was very politically interested. I lived my life firmly entrenched in the right wing politics and ideas I was surrounded by and was downright shocked when I met a politically liberal Christian. I honestly did not think it was possible at the time.

Our pastor here in Mankato has been in the midst of a sermon series called, "looking up when things are down" addressing the economic situation in the area. He has been preaching from 2 Corinthians and has been speaking about sharing resources and helping the needy, the verse he preaches from mentions that no one had a surplus and no one is in need. He has been receiving a few complaints from members of the congregation about sounding "socialist" and "liberal" because of these teachings.

These events coupled with my own history as a unwavering conservative right-wing evangelical Christan has got me wondering about where our loyalties lie. Do we seek first what the bible has to say and apply it to our lives and politcal views or do we look to find in the bible confirmation of our beliefs and throw out the parts that don't conform to our narrow political ideologies.

In the next few blog posts I plan to address this issue and the problem it creates.
